I was fourteen when I had my first child. My dad was an alcoholic and an abuser, and my mom was a recovering coke addict, living somewhere else, playing house with her new husband and my half-brothers. I barely even remember her face. I remember my dad. Or more accurately, I remember the shadow of my dad. He had a huge, bulging, dark shadow, stumbling through the tight corridors of our house, drunk and debilitated, crawling into my childhood bed and ignoring tears and screams. Stumbling back out, picking up a beer that he had placed on my nightstand, burping loudly. He’d be passed out either on the floor or the couch or occasionally his bed when I woke up. I’d make him breakfast, in a kitchen that smelled foul of cat shit and spilled booze, and he Top I’ll Bring The Bad Ideas Shirt he would maybe be sober when I went to school, but never when I returned. Most nights didn’t touch me.
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I don’t think there is enough reliable data to tell where we are on a bell curve. Just this evening BBC was talking about how the NHS is starting to include care home deaths in the death totals since they had not been earlier. I do agree that the talking heads and politicos have no grounds to base any claim on. So, there’s a show called Savage Builds, hosted by Adam Savage of Mythbusters fame. The episode I’m currently watching is on nitroglycerine. Might be of interest to you, Rock. I was surprised that Top I’ll Bring The Bad Ideas Shirt it took them so much to get the box to blow, the same with the wagon. the 1/2″ steel plate flying through the air was a real brown alert, though.
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As I remember it, they had a nitroglycerine production facility nearby so they could get it when needed without having to ship it very far. In the dead of winter, a delivery of nitro was being moved via sleigh (IIRC) to break up an ice dam that was causing problems with the tunneling effort. Along the way, the thing tipped over and the driver, expecting to be blown to kingdom come, dove for cover. The sleigh stayed intact, and it was discovered that the nitro had frozen solid. he reloaded his sleigh and made the delivery. Once the nitro was loaded into the ice dam, it refused to detonate. They had to Top I’ll Bring The Bad Ideas Shirt to pour warm water over it to thaw the stuff to get it to go off.