I would suggest you tell your mom first. No matter how exhausted she might be after her shifts, and even if you have to wake up at a weird time to catch her when she’s home from work, she needs to know and she can help you tell your sister. Then the three of you can hopefully be on the same page with the boyfriend. Tell your mom first and tell her everything. Take a picture of your bruise. When she gets home just say, mom, I have something important to tell you – can we please talk? And let her know you’re scared. As a mother, no matter how tired or miserable I was from a day after work, would perk up Top I Used To Just Be The Cool Sister Now I’m Also The Cool Auntie Shirt immediately and tend to my child. Then, together, you guys can talk about it to your sister.
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Be safe, OP. Take the advice that he could easily do the same to sister. In private he acts like this to you, in front of others he’s Prince Charming. Could easily be the same scenario sister is in. Abuse is a real psychotic freak out for the person on the receiving side – again, as someone who’s been on that side. I’ll be looking for your update. I agree with this 100%. Mom needs to know first. She’s the ‘owner’ of the home, pays the bills, etc. Then after she knows, you both need to talk to the sister and get him the F out. Sorry about the implied language. I’m a parent first and even though I have a wife (step-parent) and roommate, my daughter comes first. She is my blood, my child, and my responsibility. If she wasn’t safe, I have to Top I Used To Just Be The Cool Sister Now I’m Also The Cool Auntie Shirt make sure she is safe and so should your mom.
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I can only imagine how hard it will be with her working so many hours, but she needs to know. Taking your food, now punching you. That is ABUSE! The guy needs serious help and the first help he needs is out of YOUR life. Your sister needs to know as soon as possible. If I were in her shoes, not only would I be about ready to beat his ass, I’d also blame myself for not realizing sooner. However, it would also mean the world to me that my little brother trusted me enough to come to me and tell me what’s going on. The most alarming part for me here is that he’s a child.. not even almost an adult. They could be lucky you didn’t just tell the police. Exactly. Call the cops on Top I Used To Just Be The Cool Sister Now I’m Also The Cool Auntie Shirt that fucking loser. If he’s as close as he says he is with his sister, there is no way she won’t believe him.
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