It really isn’t these days though. We’re moving away from cash and it’s far easier to just toss donations on YouTube and Twitch. Hell people spam donations to get the messages attached to them read. If anything online sermons should be making churches more money, not less. No this is about power and manipulation. The power to defy the government, putting the church above the state. The power to manipulate and control the masses with guilt and fear. There’s a reason why religion is often called the opiate of the masses. It keeps people blind and numb to the Top End Racism Now Shirt wider world, plus it makes them easy to control.
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Oh yes, there is. Even if the stream doesn’t do an auto splash on the donation, it shows up in the chat as a highlighted donation with how much you gave. Usually attached to a highlighted message written by the person doing the donation. This means that the person doing the stream will almost always read the message and read out the donation size too. Which if gaming streams are anything to go by, that can result in an insane competition. This gets thrown around but personally, my charitable giving (which includes my church) got a lot more regular as Top End Racism Now Shirt they added pay online options. Much easier for me to just schedule it My regular bills paying right around payday rather than try to remember to bring cash or a check on Sunday.
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Trump is the president closest to ur-fascism. If you look at fascism in the USA, with people like Milo Yiannopoulos, David Duke, George Lincoln Rockwell, Elizabeth Dilling, Robert Shelton, Alex Jones, and others, USA fascism has this kind of populist, counter-culture theme. This isn’t even to mention all the fascist, or early, ur fascist groups like the Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, Silver Legion, and the Hammerskins. All these fascists want more prisons, more police, and less government spending on the arts, education, and social welfare programs. I’m just frustrated because people Top End Racism Now Shirt are outraged for all the wrong reasons.
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