If it was to cover up Top ByeDon 2020 Shirt BiDon 2020 Unisex Shirt government involvement then congratulations, you’ve now got a bunch of criminals who aren’t loyal to you, resent you, and are more likely to try and blackmail or defame you. They’re loose ends. You’ll have to execute them anyway and lose the asset you built. Similarly, in Seinfeld season 6 episode 16 “The Beard”, it’s clearly established that Jerry watches Place. Then in the season 9 episode destroying the stones in Endgame makes ZERO sense, because his logic was that “he did it so that his 50/50 snap can’t be undone by anyone”, but the universe’s population will normalize to the previous amount in just a century or so (which is NOTHING to, considering he is over 1500 years old).
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Peter was also around Top ByeDon 2020 Shirt BiDon 2020 Unisex Shirts for a few years while the twins had the map. He should have been visible. Ron was sleeping with a man every night and was silent about it. A lot of things in superhero movies are like that, they ignore the strength of materials. For example, maybe Hulk is strong enough to grab a tank by the gun barrel, spin it around, and toss it off into the distance. That’s his superpower, so I’ll give them that. But, that gun barrel isn’t strong enough to support the weight of the tank, let alone the forces involved in throwing it the gun would just be ripped.
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