Did you know that the Ahmaud Arbery case has started and they already said the police not only was giving McMichaels number to Neighbors as an alternate number for trespassing/theft but also that he was using a departmental gun the day of the murder? An ex-cop… Who failed classes and lost his license 10 years ago… Was fully endorsed by the police to play cops… The stupidity of this and lack of any accountability until the video came out makes life feel so worthless, it is worth risking it in a pandemic. Also, 3 cops in plainclothes raided a house with a weak PC and the suspect in custody the day before and used a no-knock warrant. They got shocked when men in plainclothes barging in during the middle of the night get shot at. They killed someone. And there Top Black Live Matter Strong Hand Together We Rise American Flag Shirt is no bodycams of it and the 3 cops are still in the wind.
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Maybe the problem isn’t that they are risking it in a pandemic.. but what makes them feel it is worth braving a pandemic to protest for. Do you have some kind of brain defect that lets you read what you want to read even when it doesn’t appear there? Let me repeat: There’s a virus going around. It’s still very dangerous and far more deadly than police violence. Just because you somehow think that your little BLM cause is noble, doesn’t mean the virus won’t infect you. And once that happens, we’re back to square one. I have close family Top Black Live Matter Strong Hand Together We Rise American Flag Shirt members that are at risk for the virus due to immuno-suppression, and these retards are directly putting their lives in jeopardy.
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I don’t care about white supremacist protests here because we didn’t have them, so they don’t risk spreading the virus. Maybe weird, but you know there is a world outside the US, right? If you read my post (actually read it), you would’ve noticed that I said I live in Europe. I’m not sure if Americans know it exists, though. But we haven’t had any of those here, and the ‘i want a haircut’ protests I’ve seen on Reddit looked like they were only a dozen people at best, while these are thousands of people, close together, breathing on one another. It’s a big fuck you to Top Black Live Matter Strong Hand Together We Rise American Flag Shirt all the sacrifices people had to make (like not visiting funerals because of infection risk) while some retarded protest is allowed to go because it’s apparently for a “good cause”.
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