I honestly was not happy Obama was Sugar Skulls Day Of Dead Mexican Holiday Shirt elected President in 2008. I thought he lacked experience, he hadn’t been a Senator a full term. And we had one of the worst crisis in history. It’s ever so slightly tilted, to start a viewer down the path of getting hooked on their opinion shows. I do think of my critical thinking college course, which I was taking at the time. Helped me wake up too before it was too late. Simply having a label for and practicing pointing out logical fallacies really does help with critical thinking. It’s a shame a dedicated course to critical thinking isn’t required for primary schools.
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I started listening to talk radio and Sugar Skulls Day Of Dead Mexican Holiday Shirt found stations that agreed with my sentiment. Then the subjects got more and more extreme, but very slowly, so you don’t really realize it. You’re in the car, not fully paying attention anyway. The birther stuff started coming up, and my first thought was, wow this is great, maybe the “mistake” can be undone. But then I actually started paying attention to what I was listening to, especially the Muslim characterizations. And I saw it for what it really was, racist propaganda. Designed to make me outraged and angry, to keep me listening. I haven’t seen or thought of that movie in years! I really need to find a way to see it again now.
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