Boyfriend here ???? I definitely got plumamama’s blessing before bringing the dog home. Owning a dog is a big responsibility and no one should make a decision like that before getting all the signoffs! But I understand it’s ambiguous from the way it was written. I hate when people make this comment. Her dad clearly does not care. Her family also seems like they paid for her schooling, which I consider rich people’s actions/ people well off actions. If my dad Strong Woman Face Mask I Can’t Stay At Home I Work At Trader Joes We Fight When Others Can’t Shirt could pay for my phone bill, he would in a HEARTBEAT! Some parents want to seem helpful, no matter how much their child makes/ how old they are. It’s also probably just cheaper to keep her on.
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That’s not to say there weren’t many discussions about how to make this process as easy as possible for everyone involved- her, me, and of course the dog. I am proud that we handled it maturely, executed on a solid plan, and made each other comfortable enough to communicate openly. Cheers!Oof the idea of having to get a gown for a holiday party…I work at a big Big Law firm that always throws a fairly ritzy holiday party, and even Strong Woman Face Mask I Can’t Stay At Home I Work At Trader Joes We Fight When Others Can’t Shirt then most people just pull up in what they wore to work lol (granted everyone usually dresses nicely for work). From reading some of these tech ones (and this is not meant to be a diss toward you OP!), sometimes it seems like being around people in tech would be très exhaustiiiingg.