I was going to school and working, but even without school, my job wouldn’t give me full-time. I was a Red White Blue And Coffee To 2nd Grade Teacher Shirt delivery driver for a grocery store pharmacy flower shop kinda thing. Let’s see.1 guy put in his notice and moved somewhere. Yeah, 3 people quit which meant there was only me, a retiree that barely came in, another Red White Blue And Coffee To 2nd Grade Teacher Shirt college kid that was too busy for work, and always a new person came and went. I didn’t ask for full-time because, as I said. The head manager of the store talked about how they’re going to take whatever benefits we’d get as.
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This is the perfect time for growth. We’re all stuck inside. It’s time to work on whatever the hell you’ve Red White Blue And Coffee To 2nd Grade Teacher Shirts been putting off for so long. Any skill you want. Focusing on that is the only Hot Zero Fucks Given Skull Shirt thing that’s keeping me slightly sane right now. I was thinking the same thing reading that. Times have been harder throughout history, arguably much harder in some instances than right now. Aside from the people who have had to deal with this illness personally or have lost someone due to it, etc, the vast majority of us just need to stay home/away from people and wear a mask when we go out.
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