Kushner should start Premium I Keep All My Dad Jokes In A Dad A Base Shirt running now if he wants a trial. When things get even worse people might not take the time to bother with it. We used stealth choppers and navy seals to shoot Osama bin laden in the damn face for far less. But yeah, prison would work too I guess. Yup. This is negligence on a death scale that far surpasses the greatest terrorist attacks. Pretty sure biological warfare is a war crime. Doubly so if it’s against your own citizens. I wish we lived in a world where rich powerful dudes consistently got some sort of punishment for their crimes. But IDK if that’s the world we live in. ruth and committee with a Nuremberg trial but done. Get these that are letting this happen. Worse.
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This is so. Someone Premium I Keep All My Dad Jokes In A Dad A Base Shirts should but given our country’s track record. I wouldn’t put my money on it. Agreed, trying to think of on what crime though, like something that could be charged on the books and has precedent. They should, but they almost certainly won’t. This is America. No one will go to prison. Many someones, and death row preferably. I’d suggest someone kick him in the dick for this, but he’s probably built like a Ken doll. Public excision is mass murder. Brilliant. Ben Ghazi definitely should be locked up. I don’t know exactly what he did, but people were really mad about it.
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So it works. But love the saying.