This reminds me of that Premium Hidin From Biden Trump 2020 Shirt to a bet of one year’s salary. Sam won and Robin paid him. This is all I can add to the conversation other than “taxes are complicated”. I keep seeing right-wing talking heads on Twitter posting about how the Biden campaign put a lid on today and I’m sitting here like yeah they’re probably having a party and figuring out how best to press this in the debate tomorrow. You spend today refining your talking points for the debate tomorrow. A good performance could be enough to eke out some daylight in PA.
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Uncovered corruption like this and the Premium Hidin From Biden Trump 2020 Shirts is why Trump will do absolutely anything to NOT LOSE, which includes baseless invalidation of results and trying to take the election to the Supreme Court, which he has stacked w/ three new justices. He is making the rules as he goes and nobody is stopping him. Sad. Starting to think the reason he didn’t divest himself of his businesses is that he literally couldn’t. He may owe more on them than they are worth. An article I read earlier stated he has barely any liquid assets. Refinanced the few profitable businesses and sold his stock portfolio. He could not cover a fraction of his ongoing debt if he divested. Bankruptcy probably isn’t an option for him this time.
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