He’s right tho. It’s cancer that kills you. It doesn’t matter whether smoking is one of the two biggest risk factors Pray Until Something Happens, Christian Quotes, Christian Shirt for oral cancer alongside alcohol. If you don’t get cancer, you don’t die regardless of how many cigarettes you smoke a day. What was that? All the other harmful effects of smoking on your lungs and oral Pray Until Something Happens, Christian Quotes, Christian Shirt cavity? Who cares about that. What difference does it make if smoking also makes you vulnerable to other diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis which can get worse and lead to life-threatening infections in worst cases? That is very rare. Smoking doesn’t kill, it just gives you cancer!
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No, it doesn’t matter if smoking history also decreases your prognosis for treatment. Bottom line is, you Pray Until Something Happens, Christian Quotes, Christian Shirts only die if you’re unlucky. Smoking has nothing to LFGM New York Baseball Shirt do with this. Don’t blame smoking for diseases and poor response to treatment, blame your luck. Someone should have told Pence’s plastic surgeon when to stop. this is the same closeted homosexual who was a huge proponent of gay conversion “pray away the gay” therapy camps in Indiana. yikes. Why is this humor? Technically it is cancer that kills you. Smoking doesn’t directly kill. It’s cancer that kills.
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