Well, I guess that would be the most honest and true thing to do, honoring (sorry for my bad English) the story and not use an already existing monster, person, thing, figure. Either way, it’s very well written and great fun to read. I love it when truly evil scumbags run across someone or something far worse than them. Great job, OP! Just tell your boss not to murder innocent tourists, ok? My summer job is giving tours of the Official Texas Flag Inside Heart American Flag Shirt woods and trails just outside my hometown of Older Hills. So far it has been a nice job to have right before starting college. The pay is good, appreciative customers often give me tips which I am allowed to keep, and I love being outdoors.
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I’m a small, pretty girl and often people express surprise that I’m willing to go out into the woods alone. Even in broad daylight, with total strangers maybe it is just the carelessness of youth. My routine is simple. I stand in the main parking lot of the Older Hills Woods Reservation, wearing khakis, hiking boots, and a maroon Older Hills Parks Department polo shirt. I carry an Official Texas Flag Inside Heart American Flag Shirt clipboard, but the clipboard is really for the show since I keep all the forms, maps, and information I might need to be stored on my phone. My boss has me carry the clipboard because, he says, studies show that clipboards let people know you’re somewhere in an official capacity. My boss is a smart cookie.
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Whenever I think of Older Hills, I think of that ee cummings poem “anyone lived in a pretty how town.” Older Hills is a Pretty How Town. Full of old money and old mansions with big emerald green lawns. And the woods outside town are full of history and romance and mystery and I love spending time in them and leading others through them. The three guys were all dressed in shorts and tee shirts. Two of the three had Texas A&M shirts on, so I guessed that was where they went to Official Texas Flag Inside Heart American Flag Shirt school. The third guy had an eagle clutching an American flag in its talons on his shirt. All three had trucker hats. One of them belched. The other two followed suit.
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