The same happened with my golden retriever. She was happy and healthy, then one day she was sluggish, didn’t really want to eat and instead asked to go outside. After a while, we realized that she was out much longer than usual and decided to go look for her. We called and she didn’t come so we figured she had found a new way out of the yard and started searching the neighborhood. Finally, we found her in the small wooded area next to the house, just sitting there watching the whole thing. She had decided it was her time to go and had left the pack to die. We took her to the vet the next day, she had an enlarged heart that Official Tell My Family I Love Them Shirt would require expensive surgery to get maybe 6-12 months and who knows what quality of life she’d have. We had her put down.
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A similar thing happened with “my” beagle. Before I was born, my mom and dad accepted to stay with one of the pups of my grandparents, they already had 7 dogs, all of which I loved and they did too, but they didn’t want one more. A few months later I was born, forcing my grandparents to stay with the baby dog whose name was Kira. I loved her like crazy, we practically grew up together but I could only get to see her on weekends. On Wednesday I got a call from my grandpa, he told me that she wasn’t as energetic as always, I thought she was just tired, but one day later, I get told that she died of a heart attack. I remember I was devastated, cried in my room for like two hours. The past Official Tell My Family I Love Them Shirt weekend she seemed fine, the same as always. as the other guy said, you should all prepare for it. Thanks for reading.
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I knew it was coming at some point soon, she was 12 and goldens don’t often live past 13, so I was able to prepare a little bit but it still hits you hard when your best friend for most of your life dies. I don’t know if I’ve ever cried more about anything else. Yeah, I had a blue heeler that was fine one moment and found dead on the edge of our woods a few hours later…I guess he decided that it was his time to go so he went off on his own for his final moments. I miss that pup. I lost my puppy of 12 years a few weeks ago. He was very energetic then suddenly one day he seemed incredibly frail and weak. He hid inside the garage and passed away. It was absolutely heartbreaking but thankfully work Official Tell My Family I Love Them Shirt was very understanding and gave me a few days off to grieve. It’s definitely not the same anymore.
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