I wish Microsoft would reboot the IP since they own it and it’s just sitting there. Maybe turn down the camp a bit and focus on the more serious sci-fi aspects since camp doesn’t seem to really sell as well. There’s enough cool sci-fi stuff for the gritty and atmospheric approach that’s popular, and they could still make a damn good game out of it. Yeah, that flashlight song was terrible, and bringing in the old Bellas felt gimmicky to try and tug some heartstrings without adding anything to the performance. The first Official Samurai Corona Virus Shirt ending song, even with the unrealistic elements, was so well put together that it deserved to win, but the second one only plot magic allowed for it to win.
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Initially, I loved them for or how taxes like decks with thalia the taker and some more feels really strong. My issue is that reaper is board wipe insurance, Burrus is not. Burrus is a good turn 5 or 4 play as you get immediate value. Reaper lets you draw cards over and over with cat oven. But Burrus in a new build that makes a more natural fit. Then reread the Official Samurai Corona Virus Shirt card it says permanent not creature it lets you cast ovens or other permanents from the graveyard. Also a stone coil serpent! Or sideboard tech in matchups. What I’m going to do is to first experiment with them az 4 of to really see what you can do with the card. Also, this combo deck would like a word with Burrus :).
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It will become dependent on meta and rulings. The example can I cast the adventure side of an adventure permanent with this card? If yes then it becomes much stronger. I decided to spend two wildcards to Official Samurai Corona Virus Shirt craft Kroxa to try this deck out, and so far I’ve gone 14-4 and the deck has been a blast to play. The most notable moment is being able to kill a Merfolk deck who had 4 lords out at one point. The graveyard synergy is really fun, and it feels like it has a game vs a lot of different archetypes. Thanks for the decklist!
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