Photos in particular are unreliable. Frank has a scar tattoo that only appears in photos and cut scenes and the Price family changes pretty drastically. When exactly did William and Chloe become the strawberry blondes we know and love? Why does the Official Pit Bulls Dad Joke Loading Shirt exact same photograph of Rachel and Frank look different depending on whether you see Frank’s copy of it or Chloe’s? Why are the photos hand-drawn by several different artists? Why is the train and Steph’s dice mirrored (the numbers are backward) in Chloe’s journal? Chloe is a seriously traumatized person with multiple personalities, who self medicates by abusing drugs and alcohol. It’s impossible to tell exactly what went down.
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Why does the house across the street from her have the same street address, and why is it also mirrored? Why does every single mailbox on Rachel’s street have the same number as Chloe’s? Why are the signs at the Overlook full of misinformation and outright lies? Why do Official Pit Bulls Dad Joke Loading Shirt Rachel’s shirt, shoes, and jeans fit Chloe perfectly despite Chloe being 4 inches taller? Why is Jefferson’s car parked down the street from Chloe’s house? There’s only so much that can be dismissed as developer error and reused assets before we have to consider another explanation: Life is Strange is a story told by an unreliable narrator.
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It makes sense when you look at the artists who have influenced Dontnod. Lynch, Hitchcock, and Poe are all fond of the unreliable narrator. There are many reasons for an unreliable narration: some times the storyteller is a liar, sometimes she has an altered state of consciousness (drugs, insanity, dreams), sometimes her memories are repressed, and sometimes she herself has been deceived. I think we can check all the boxes. Arcadia Bay is a pipe dream of Chloe’s past: what was, and what might’ve been. The people of Arcadia Bay are an Official Pit Bulls Dad Joke Loading Shirt blend of personalities from inside Chloe’s head, people that Chloe has met and interacted with.
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