And that’s how it came to pass, that on the second-to-last day of the job, the simple-minded second-grade student who tarred the 742 Evergreen Terrace roof in the spring of ninety-three wound up sitting down at ten o’clock in the morning drinking icy cold, Quik-E-Mart Squishies, courtesy of the laziest screw that ever walked a turn at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. The episode pushes a bit of a “women overreact and falsely accuse poor men of sexual assault, and those men are the real victims” narrative that I feel aged quite poorly. I think the episode still has amazing writing and jokes but I was cringing at that aspect when I watched it recently. I really hope that Official Mr Simpson I’m Gonna Need Another Beer To Wash Down This Deer Shirt no more golden age Simpsons gets the Apu or Micheal Jackson treatment, it’d be such a loss.
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I think the episode is a critique of how the public jury and the way it interacts with media are fundamentally flawed. We latch onto the accuser’s stories very quickly with 24hour news, sensationalist editorials (Rock bottom), and talk shows (Gentle Ben) without there being any real fair process or respect for the facts (Your tears say more than real evidence ever could) before holding a public verdict. It can enter the consumer’s psyche and becomes the Official Mr Simpson I’m Gonna Need Another Beer To Wash Down This Deer Shirt Boogeyman de jour (we need less Homer Simpsons and more money for public schools). In this specific case, Homer is the real victim. We should always support victims, but the accuser and the victim aren’t always the same person.
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Like a lot of that era episodes the story takes weird tangental turns in it’s themes and morals ending really far away from where it started: it starts about Homer’s gluttony (Candy convention), turns into feminism and mob mentality briefly with Ashley Grant and then ends on the tabloid nature of modern media. The Apu thing is such bs. I’d be on board if he was actually a stereotype, but he’s not. Apu is a character with his own thoughts and motivations who just happens to be a Hindu from India working at a convenience store. The episode where he’s forced to comply with tradition and marry Manjula is brilliant because it shows that he has a mind of his own and isn’t some token character that SJWs made him out to Official Mr Simpson I’m Gonna Need Another Beer To Wash Down This Deer Shirt be.
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