No, but for real though, if you get bit by an animal that you suspect might have rabies, go to the hospital immediately, or you will go crazy and die. Rabbits, guinea pigs, squirrels, hedgehogs, rats, etc. are considered non-vectors in many places because they could not survive a bite from a rabid animal long enough to contract rabies. There were a few people who survived it, your immune system can actually kill rabies, medicine just needs to Official A Woman Cannot Survive On Wine Alone She Also Needs A Pontoon Shirt to slow it down enough for it to work. The Milwaukee protocol has saved a few people out of the people that it was used on, it’s not very effective but at least it isn’t 100% death.
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“Hydrophobia (“fear of water”) is the historic name for rabies.[17] It refers to a set of symptoms in the later stages of an infection in which the person has difficulty swallowing, shows panic when presented with liquids to drink, and cannot quench their thirst.”Hydrophobia is a very interesting symptom. I don’t know of any disease other than rabies that has hydrophobia as one of the symptoms. Humans could just fuck enough to make up for the insane childhood & infant mortality rates of our species. We bypassed some evolution by cranking our kids! According to my wife, you are correct. The pain and exhaustion of Official A Woman Cannot Survive On Wine Alone She Also Needs A Pontoon Shirt is apparently much, much worse than childbirth.
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Up until recently, childbirth was the number one cause of death for women who survived to adulthood. For many, many, women throughout history it was short-lived, but not in the way you intended. We’re barely evolving anything at this point, there’s very little selective pressure. We’re still undergoing natural selection. Think of all the physiological concessions evolution made to Official A Woman Cannot Survive On Wine Alone She Also Needs A Pontoon Shirt “take advantage” of the current lack of food scarcity we have. We’re still evolving. We’re just doing a lot more selective breeding than anything. I don’t think selective breeding technically counts as evolving.
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