I mean…. they really should. Not for the PR, but he spouts some crazy stuff. Under this EO, Joe Scarborough can now sue Twitter, because of the tweet they didn’t delete about the murder conspiracy theory. Frankly, I don’t get this EO. It’s like Trump literally shooting himself in the foot. His entire schtick is saying untrue things, insulting people, spouting conspiracies…. not kicking him would be bonkers. Not only should they kick him…. they should give Official Justice for George Floyd Shirt his username to someone else. It’s their property, not his… they can give it to Biden.
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I think it kind of makes sense for Twitter to toss Trump under the bus this election, too. If it looks like he’s losing, they can come out as “the good guys” as Trump fades away into a Reagan-esque fond memory of the rageporn-sick social cancer infecting our red white, and blue. Nobody is going to give a fuck what Trump says after he loses. Too much of his identity is based on “winning.” Under the draft order, the Commerce Department would ask the Official Justice for George Floyd Shirt Federal Communications Commission for new regulations clarifying when a company’s conduct might violate the good faith provisions of Section 230 — potentially making it easier for tech companies to be sued.
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That is consistent with a draft order whose text CNN first reported last summer — and which prompted FCC officials to push back on the plan privately. The draft order instructs the Justice Department to consult with state attorneys general on allegations of anti-conservative bias. It bans federal agencies from advertising on platforms that have allegedly violated Section 230’s good-faith principles. Finally, the draft order would direct the Federal Trade Commission to Official Justice for George Floyd Shirt report on complaints about political bias collected by the White House and to consider bringing lawsuits against companies accused of violating the administration’s interpretation of Section 230.
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