These people wanted conflict so they could film it and get some clout. Probably hoping for a lawsuit. Look whitey pulling a gun on innocent people again! People have to start pushing back! Stop giving in to the mob’s demands. It’s pretty disappointing that two people bumped into each other in public and can’t figure out it was an unfortunate mistake. It should have never lead to a gun being pulled and there’s no justifying trying to block someone in from leaving when it appears leaving was the only thing that could deescalate the situation. Had a similar thing happen to me once in portland when I used to take public transit all the time and the other person tried to start shit with me. That’s an Official Gun Rights Are Women’s Rights Shirt great way to get sucker-punched or hit in the back of the head with an object. No thanks.
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This is true. And without sounding like a racist(I guess it is sad that I have to make that statement) the only times this ever happened to me is when I was trying to avoid someone who is trying to start a confrontation with me because I’m a short chubby white dude who looks Like an easy target. Do you want to guess which type/color person it was doing the harassing as I try to peacefully walk away? Black young adults. It’s only happened three times (which is a lot to get punched in the head for walking away while trying to avoid confrontation), but shit, 100% of the time, only one type of person with one type of skin color looks at me and thinks it’s ok to block me from sitting on the subway, block me from Official Gun Rights Are Women’s Rights Shirt exiting the subway, block me from walking up the stairs to the subway.
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Hell one time I had a Hispanic grandma yelling at me cuz I was white on the subway and she ASSUMED that since I was white, I was riding the subway for only a stop or Two to the white part of town, when in fact I lived at the end of the line with all the working-class black and Hispanic people. She literally yelled at me to get off the crowded train and get in a cab. I asked if she would go for it and a black lady standing next to me laughed out loud. But the. A few moments later, She makes the same assumption about Official Gun Rights Are Women’s Rights Shirt me and asks why I’m on the subway. Now I have to mention a huge caveat, I have met many more good or gracious black and Hispanic people, and I’m aware that these types of people who harass others they don’t know are in the minority.
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