About Nebraska, I like having Herbie and Lil’ Red as our UUs, and while the Tunnel Walk was certainly something I was okay with, I’m wondering if our trait shouldn’t be the consecutive sellout streak. It is the one thing our program’s hung its Official Forrest Griffin Row Row Row Ya Boat The Fuck Away From Me Shirt hat on for the last 5 decades, especially the last two of ups and downs. While I’m out of date on Civ V mechanics, I’m thinking it could relate to unhappiness. “Production and gold output for each point of unhappiness are halved (combat strength and food penalty remain the same), rebellions don’t occur until -20 unhappiness (as opposed to -10), and cities revolt at -30 unhappiness.”
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If that’s all more than you were looking for and you’ve already got an idea, awesome! I can’t wait to watch it (and eventually play it). Here are a few options for Arkansas’s unique units. Distance Runners – Our Track & Field / Distance teams have Official Forrest Griffin Row Row Row Ya Boat The Fuck Away From Me Shirt a pretty dominant history. It could be a unique scouting unit that begins play ignoring mountain movement inhibitors. Tyson Chicken Farmers – Tyson donated money for a really nice facility on campus. Could make it a farmer with one extra build option per turn.
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While I do like the 300 yells for MSU’s unique ability, I feel like disrespect would be more cfb topical. The secondary unit should be some sort of dog unit, as we have the goodest of boys in Zeke the Wonderdog. Could be Official Forrest Griffin Row Row Row Ya Boat The Fuck Away From Me Shirt some sort of airplane unit as he jumps high to grab those frisbees. It also helps that we refer to ourselves as Spartan Dawgs sometimes. Edit: also really looking forward to this! In regards to the general game setup, I would posit the unique assets/abilities of all the schools will be weighted more heavily towards the modern era. An attempt to thoughtfully spread them out as a whole may be prudent for balance purposes.
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