I’m glad you enjoyed it! And yes, the incestuous undertones of the Bonnie/Frank pairing can be heebie-jeebies-inducing. Both their behaviors are off somehow. Even their language is bizarre. One example that immediately comes to my mind is Frank’s line to Xavier in re. the woman who accepts him for the monster he is: “and her name isn’t Laurel”. That is one clunky turn of phrase, isn’t it? Why not say “and it’s not Laurel”? Or “and she isn’t Laurel”? Or, in purer Frank fashion, “and it ain’t Laurel”? The emphasis put on the lady’s name (as separate from her actual identity) is distracting to me. Now, it simply may have been the writers trying to be an Official Cousin Bee Cute Sassy Honey Bee Mothers Day Gift Shirt touch poetic by using a staggeringly clumsy metonymy but it felt out-of-character for Frank, in my opinion.
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I cringed through that whole scene with Xavier. It was weird. Here they are trying to get info from him to help Annalise and somehow it turns into Frank discussing his love life with him. The whole Bonnie/Frank storyline reminds me of some of the cheesiest daytime soap stories. It’s embarrassing to watch. And when you add in the incest vibe it’s even worse. And I totally agree with everyone about them trying to clean Frank up. He was mostly a dark character with a fair amount of screen time who’s actions drove storylines. And now they are trying to polish him up into this romantic lead with Bonnie. I don’t like it at all. And I wouldn’t be surprised if they try to undo some of him worst offenses (Lila, Annalise’s baby). What I don’t understand is why bother because supposedly Bonnie “loves the monster in him”. I always attributed Official Cousin Bee Cute Sassy Honey Bee Mothers Day Gift Shirt Bonnie’s preoccupation with Laurel as insecurity but maybe there is something else to it.
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Everyones a mole! Ain’t it the truth. I wouldn’t wonder if we saw current factions break down to everyone for themselves in the next couple of episodes. Shame. If they’d only hung together, the Feds had nothing of real substance. Now they will likely hang themselves. And with all the recording everyone’s doing of one another, I wonder if Nate has tried his hand at it? He’s had some interesting conversations with Annalise and Bonnie. What with his new lying is worse than killing philosophy, I don’t think he turned Official Cousin Bee Cute Sassy Honey Bee Mothers Day Gift Shirt until that week Tegan couldn’t find him. I don’t think he was the mole Xavier referred to – if there actually was one.
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