Did something like this to someone in college minus the Official Bird All We Do Is Beach Beach Beach Vintage Retro Shirt 5th one. We should’ve added that to really drive it home. I found it on Stumbleupon and just HAD to try it. That and finding out that my friend took the same route every single day so I stood in the same precarious spot right after his class every couple days for a few weeks and would turn to “almost” run into him. Made my own Groundhog Day. The Exploratorium in SF has two giant parabolas across the (very large and often loud) room where it’s the same effect, one person sits in one parabola and one sits in the other, 100+ feet apart, and you can have a conversation despite all of the other noise around and between you. Acoustics is cool stuff.
Official Bird All We Do Is Beach Beach Beach Vintage Retro Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Sweatshirt and Hoodie
Correct me if I’m wrong, but 15 or so years ago on a field trip to the Official Bird All We Do Is Beach Beach Beach Vintage Retro Shirt capitol, our tour guide said someone (politician?) placed their chair/desk in that spot to eavesdrop on what others are talking about. Weird how that has a piece of information has stuck with me. There’s a bit in Tottenham Court Road where if you stand in the middle and talk you can hear your own voice as if someone is talking right over your shoulder. Scared the hell outta me when I was walking through with a friend. I also notice it on the escalators on the tube when you have 3 or more side by side. The parabolic curve of the tunnel means the people on the escalator on the far side of the tunnel sound really close.
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