There isn’t really an Official A Girl Her Ball Her Rugby Its A Beautiful Thing Shirt easy way to correct the saying. just gotta start fresh. torque = force*distance. it’s kind of like a measure of how hard something is trying to rotate. in the case of a car tire, torque can be considered how hard the tire is trying to move the car or how much force is applied to the road. the more torque available the faster the engine is capable of accelerating the vehicle. but you still have to consider the vehicle’s weight and available traction. you could measure that by how hard it pushes against a wall, but it doesn’t really have much to do with breaking or moving the wall.
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My only issue with this is high torque vehicles, like tractor-trailers. Have really low tops speeds. And are designed to pull large amounts of weight. From the Official A Girl Her Ball Her Rugby Its A Beautiful Thing Shirt mechanical side of things, f1 cars have very tiny cylinders that are very high revving, I am unsure of f1 cars, but motors mikes, for example, have rev ranges upwards of 9000 RPMs. Whereas tractor-trailers and similar heavy vehicles have rev ranges upwards of 4 to maybe 5000 RPMs. Bc those vehicles have larger bored cylinders with long, slow strokes, to generate that torque.
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