First off I hate Dr. Phil but I do remember a Nice Vote Dunning kruger 2020 Shirt particular episode I saw where he gave a dressing down to Lindsey Lohan’s mom. Anyways, he called her out for using words that clearly she was not accustomed to using. He explained some psychobabble about how she was specifically choosing these complicated sounding words to sound more intelligent or because she was nervous about being confronted by Phil. Anyways, anytime I see memes like this I think of that episode. Lol. I was a philosophy minor in college (not an expert by any means I just enjoyed it am now conversational in a few fields of philosophy) and I have stopped having conversations with people like this.
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They either have completely misread the original text or they have no background to categorize or explain what they just read. They talk about insights from the work that were borrowed from other older philosophers and miss whatever unique insight that person actually had vs their predecessors or contemporaries. The condescending and authoritative attitude is a Nice Vote Dunning kruger 2020 Shirt total tell. Most academic philosophers are aware that their field is mostly useless and try not to bore others with it unless they are specifically asked.
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