Odyssey is ruined by the Nice Victory Or Valhalla Shield Maiden Shirt leveling system. You have a giant open world to explore that is ultimately pointless because fighting anything a couple of levels higher than you feels quite impossible. It breaks immersion when I killed a pack of wolves with relative ease in one zone, then walks 100 ft and am totally decimated by the next pack of wolves who look and act exactly the same with the only difference is that now we’re in a zone that is 10 levels higher than the previous. I’m really hoping that they at least toned it down in some way with this.
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I appreciate being able to see this leak that is most Nice Victory Or Valhalla Shield Maiden Shirt likely going to be shown in a reveal but dang, Ubisoft, please get someone who is a little more familiar with the combat in these types of games. You make a wonderful game but the way the person controls the character makes it seem like the gameplay is clunked by how they react to everything happening. I know it is most likely a developer who is very proud of what they have created but they should show it off with a more intermediate skill leveled player. That would make the swordfights more meaningful, however, I hope it doesn’t mean we have to spend ages collecting leaves and plants to make health potions.
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