I just wanted to say thanks for writing this out and telling your story. As a woman, the incel community TERRIFIES me. I understand that those boys/men are most likely dealing with mental illness, but it’s very hard to be nice or extend a helping hand to people who threaten to (or actually do) harass, rape, and kill women based on their ideology. On the contrary, as hard as that seems to help incels, that’s what people need to be doing. It’s not like I have all the solutions to how to solve the mess of boys being Nice Stay home and watch Star Wars shirt lured into such toxic online communities.
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But shaming them and making fun of them will only push them in further. I can’t imagine someone who’s a full-blown incel to self-reflect after someone shames them for their choices/thoughts: it will usually make them just feel more misunderstood and isolated. Once again, thanks for sharing. I imagine you could face backlash just for admitting you used to be an incel, but sharing your story is helpful to the issue. I am sorry if you’ve ever fallen victim to an incel group or have received threatening messages from them. It is very unethical what they do to Nice Stay home and watch Star Wars shirt women and the whole ideology is flawed to the core.
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The best way I can describe inceldom is like a drug. Boys and men are biologically programmed to fight and have sex (with real people, that is). That is simply a fact of nature. But video games and porn are activities that men do all alone. There is no interaction with real human beings, only pixels on a screen. Yet these men still want contact with real people, as they are predisposed to want. Much Nice Stay home and watch Star Wars shirt of society looks down on gamer guys who watch porn, making fun of them for having ‘no life’ as they say. When you’re in this deep hole of loneliness and societal rejection, you will turn to anything for help. Inceldom offers the illusion of being ‘better’ than the rest of society by playing video games at your desk; it makes you feel as though you’re fulfilling all of your biological needs even though you have very little human contact.
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