I say short-sighted. Because. Well does he have children, grandchildren? I’ve gone down the fuck it all. Burn it to the ground revenge path. You walk too far down that short road and it’s not just the short term gratification. It’s that you’re destroying everything else for anyone you even remotely care about. Hell, he could be torpedoing the medium-term survival of his old raider group. Not saying I wouldn’t do it were I in his shoes. Sometimes the call for blood is too loud to ignore. But my kid’s going to be strong enough to weather any shit storm his old man causes. I just Nice Some People Are Like Clouds When They Disappear It’s A Beautiful Day Shirt see it as short term ‘gain’ for long term headaches even if he’s not going to be around to clean it up.
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The horror of the uranium needles isn’t due to their radioactivity. It’s due to the toxicity of the element. Uranium is some nasty stuff. However, radiological contamination is also a factor but will take a bit longer. Uranium mainly undergoes alpha decay (helium nuclei). These have the very little penetrating capacity. In fact, your epidermis will stop them. However, if they are inside the body those alpha particles are much more damaging than gamma rays or beta particles (electrons). It will cause significant damage long term. The inherent radioactivity of uranium is pretty Nice Some People Are Like Clouds When They Disappear It’s A Beautiful Day Shirt low either way. The half-life of U-235 is lower than U-238 but it’s still incredibly long (longer half-life lower radioactivity).
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However, only 50-150 mg of uranium in your bloodstream is enough to kill you. Considering these are darts that pretty much completely disintegrate when they hit something wet anyone actually hit by one is in trouble. (provided they survived getting torn to shit by the physical damage) Also, anyone exposed to “suppressive fire” is literally enveloped in a cloud of uranium vapor which will fuck your lungs all sorts of up. You don’t want any part of that. So while U-235 (what they are increasing the concentration of when they enrich uranium) is technically more radioactive than Nice Some People Are Like Clouds When They Disappear It’s A Beautiful Day Shirt U-238 it still isn’t that radioactive.
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