In all seriousness, you’re way wanking All Might’s speed or severely downplaying One Punch Man. PPP is faster than All Might through scaling. (Can keep up with Melzargard who tore off Iaian’s arm who can slice bullets in half and cross a room faster than them). Not gonna go through every matchup but people Genos’s speed and up should be able to practically statue All Might. How is All Might faster, or even comparable, to Genos? Genos was a double-digit match before a massive speed boost, he would literally statue All Might and blitz him before the latter could even wind up a punch. Also, Darkshine’s best feat is beating Asura Rhino in 15 minutes, the same Rhino who could overpower city-block level attacks (where All Might cap) with his breath. Nice Rottweiler The Chain On My Mood Swing Just Snapped Run Shirt, prime or no.
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Deep-Sea King could blitz someone on top of a 9-10 story building in the time it took a raindrop to fall about a centimeter. Raindrops travel at an average of 20 MPH. If you do the math, DSK was fighting at Mach 10+ speeds. If DSK was Mach 10, why the fuck did it take him 10 seconds to cross halfway across the survival shelter trying to kill the humans when it would take him far less according to Nice Rottweiler The Chain On My Mood Swing Just Snapped Run Shirt. Elder Centipede is a fast but not DOUBLE-DIGIT much fast, otherwise, those two B class heroes would’ve been caught in like one second. Yet, EC easily snared Genos who is supposedly Double-Digit Mach.
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So every time All Might isn’t moving at Mach speeds, it means he’s actually just an old man? When Goku is stuffing his face there aren’t even sonic booms, guess Goku is now street level. Flash goes on dates with his girlfriend in coffee shops without drinking at light speed, maybe Flash is actually a hack who is slower than Batman. Quicksilver was caught by Hawkeye in Avengers. Pretty sure DSK was running at full speed with predatory instinct. Obviously he wasn’t trying to Nice Rottweiler The Chain On My Mood Swing Just Snapped Run Shirt as possible but he would be chasing down his first target as quickly as possible.
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