My cat gets caught in grocery bags often (she’s clumsy as fuck). Most cats go UP THE WALL when that happens. Mine just sits there staring at you like “you gonna do something about that?” until you come to save her. Then she flicks her tail like “about time you got off your ass” and goes about her day again. Omg, I did the same thing with my cat. NOT a good idea. He didn’t come out of the basement for three days and I thought I gave him brain damage because a table fell on top of him. Felt so guilty. I had to look way too long to find this comment. This horse was fairly calm considering. Many horses I know would have reacted much more violently. This applies to people as well. Went sailing once and capsized when I and Nice Pretty A Girl And Her Horses Living Life In Peace Truck Shirt my friends’ boats collided. Man, that moment of panic when I felt a rope tied around my ankle.
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This applies to people as well. Went sailing once and capsized when I and my friends’ boats collided. Man, that moment of panic when I felt a rope tied around my ankle. When I was little I was in the shallow part of a lake and a small fish kept following me and nibbling on my toe. Even after I screamed and kicked and cried that bastard persisted, as the adults around me giggled at my freak out. Thanks for jiggling loose that repressed memory. Then today I went and asked my mom if she remembered that, and she’s all “no why would I remember that that obviously happens to people all the time it’s not a unique event”. At first, when she ran over I assumed she was maybe a horse trainer or something who just happened to be there. When I realized Nice Pretty A Girl And Her Horses Living Life In Peace Truck Shirt she was going for the balloon I fully expected her to get kicked.
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During my senior year in high school, one of my teachers had a dentist come to class and he brought slides with him (not the PowerPoint kind, the old fashioned kind) of various dental emergencies he’d seen over the years. My dad was kicked in the face by a horse when I was a teenager. He was thrown from it, which broke his collarbone, and when he tried to stand up, the horse had spun and kicked him square in the face. It was a miracle he didn’t die—broke a ton of teeth and shattered multiple areas in his face. He had to have a complete facial reconstruction that involved cutting an incision from ear to ear over the top of his head, literally peeling his face down, and putting in steel plates. It was horrifying—and it was also my horse, so Nice Pretty A Girl And Her Horses Living Life In Peace Truck Shirt I definitely didn’t live with massive guilt for years or anything.
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