The sound was coming from a little wad of white cloth spinning over his head, banging softly on the hollow wall. From that little wad of cloth – like a package – snaked upwards a single thread reflecting the phone’s light. The said thread ended on the butt of a spider the size of a bowling ball, spinning its web-like it wasn’t a freaking abomination of the universe. Horror kicked in a few seconds after Buck realized that the wad of cloth spinning an inch over his head was not, in fact, Nice Llama Wanna Smoke Alpaca Bowl Vintage Shirt, just a wad of cloth, but a dead rat, and that rat had probably just been murdered by the fucking alien now spinning it a full-body Gismo-suit in white.
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It was Mark who took the initiative and, grabbing the phone from Sam’s hand, pointed the light towards the other side of the corridor. He scanned until the halo stopped on a rusty door. “There!” he whispered and made for it. Buck didn’t hesitate this time. Nothing like a spider prepping a rat meal over your head to suppress that insecurity beta-male genes inside each of us, he thought, before going for it after Mark. Sam followed. They closed the door behind them as careful as they could and stood listening as the Nice Llama Wanna Smoke Alpaca Bowl Vintage Shirt footsteps approached, then distanced themselves.
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They turned back to scan the place they were in. A large window teethed with broken glass edges on the far end of the room let in the moonlight, so they could actually see here. They were in a wide space, almost no furniture except for a few archive boxes, some turned over metal cabinets and an old couch. Dust-covered rumble all over the floor. Buck stopped by the window and looked out. It was past midnight, and the streets were empty. He kneeled down and sat with his back against the Nice Llama Wanna Smoke Alpaca Bowl Vintage Shirt wall under the sill, stuffing his arms inside his shirtsleeves against the cool night air draft.
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