Until the FOP and local govts are forced to stop shielding oathbreakers, we will continue to see the acceleration of the loss of our civil liberties and further violence. The constitution means nothing if government agents are allowed to escape consequences for violating the law and common decency. Was the officer incapable of uttering the phrase, “I’m sorry for bothering you, I’ll be on my way”? Men who lack the maturity level of a fifth grader should not be in a position to use force under color of the law. Yes guys this video happened a while back. The officer who did this is no longer there because he was a seasonal hire. But Tony Leonetti, who defended it and lied claiming that she attacked them kicking them in the crotch as Nice I’ve Come To Realize I’m Not Right In The Head And I’m Ok With That Shirt she was backing up (which you can clearly see did not happen), is still working there. The police chief that defended it is still working there.
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Yes guys this video happened a while back. The officer who did this is no longer there because he was a seasonal hire. But Tony Leonetti, who defended it and lied claiming that she attacked them kicking them in the crotch as she was backing up (which you can clearly see did not happen), is still working there. The police chief that defended it is still working there. Watched the 13th on Netflix, this idea of pleading out is out of control. If she didn’t do anything, which it looks like she didn’t, she is a crappy Situation to chose between admitting to a crime she didn’t do or taking her chances at much greater crimes and penalties in court. Which generally requires a good lawyer, which means money. It leaves a person with almost zero choices. Honesty Nice I’ve Come To Realize I’m Not Right In The Head And I’m Ok With That Shirt must be part of the code of a cop or the system doesn’t work. They can’t be afraid to admit a mistake. People’s lives are ruined by irresponsible police officers all the time. No accountability! It is heartbreaking to watch this stuff.
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Seriously, I’m a man, and every time I see something like this, I get physically uneasy. Not just because this level of barbarism is in direct opposition to the humanitarian values I was taught throughout my life, and the resulting fact that I am very easily unnerved by scenes of physical aggravation, even though I did martial arts as a teen, but also because for me, it raises a vital, uncomfortable question: what kind of society did our parents live in, that would produce offspring that would deem it perfectly normal and justified to interact with another individual in this way, especially when there is power, and therefore moral obligation, involved? What kind of household produces someone who thinks it is normal to act like that? And how many of them Nice I’ve Come To Realize I’m Not Right In The Head And I’m Ok With That Shirt must there be? I think we as a society must rethink our whole model, not just the police. All those videos we see right now of police-related violence is a symptom – but what is the disease? I mean the real disease, not just the most infected person, or group thereof.
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