Gee for being shot down from thousands of feet up, there sure is a lot of wreckage in a small area. When a Boeing 757 flew into the Pentagon most of the wreckage simply vanished except for a few scraps that could have all fit in the box of a pickup truck. You may be operating under the assumption that people are motivated by the same thing… that is, the search for truth. However, the same people who lie to us in the mainstream media have a motive to employ an online component to their operations to try to hold their bullshit together at least until the Nice I Have OFD Obsessive Fishing Disorder Shirt news cycle distracts us with something else. You may be operating under the assumption that people are motivated by the same thing.
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These people are the exact same people that said you were retarded, delusional, tin-foil, conspiracist and laughably, a conspiracy theorist because you had evidence and a theory that the United States Government were spying and recording every single thing said and wrote, by every American, over any and all digital communication type. They would manufacture drama based on this theory, regardless of the known facts, then x-post it to multi-subs/known hate groups and the bullying and mockery would commence subverting your opinion and Nice I Have OFD Obsessive Fishing Disorder Shirt theory. Textbook manipulation, the problem is, the majority are growing wise to this method.
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Clearly you’re completely trustworthy, because you respond multiple times, the first time alleging that I may not be trustworthy, you know, the classic tactic of trying to turn the tables on your accuser? The second time, “laughing it off”, because you apparently have no other way of proving to me that I can trust that you are not a subversive member of this sub. Bravo, you’re really setting up a stellar defense for yourself by displaying all of the characteristics of a person who is being called out and knows that they are being called out. Fuck that bullshit narrative, since Nice I Have OFD Obsessive Fishing Disorder Shirt when does one post documenting the evidence of an adversarial hate group turn the entire sub into the adversary sub?
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