You see my past, you see it! ????” Dude. St. Talking like you are so real and know what’s going on. You are the idiot who didn’t wrap up your D 5 times, can’t buy your son a bed and asked a woman to marry you after a day… you are obviously the one who is blind so don’t be pointing your fingers. My observation is that she gets it because it seems like she starts it (editing to make her look bad maybe?), but even still he WAY overreacts and gets mean and it looks like he’s on the Nice Hot Cow Yes i am a member of the csi team can’t stand idiots shirt verge of calling her names right before he “smacks dat hoe” or something. Like he’s got an inner Ike Turner just itching to come out.
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I was somewhat in his corner until I saw that Bryson is his FIFTH child. I was like, “wait for wha”? What a hot mess. I feel bad for the kids. All 5 of them. I definitely feel like this sub is often overly nasty to the women on the show. Like yeah, Tania and Anny are rude and inconsiderate, but the Nice Hot Cow Yes i am a member of the csi team can’t stand idiots shirt way some people will call them cunts, bitches, etc… is unnecessary. Totally. I know people just think Annie is shallow on here but regardless it’s unacceptable how Robert speaks to her. He just treats her like an object and as if she has to shut up and be quiet all the time.
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I definitely think Robert forgets Danny is a real person sometimes with needs, emotions, and wants. He really treats her like a robot or like she is his maid/nanny employee who is supposed to be agreeable and lust after the boss and sleeps with him. It’s disgusting. Oh don’t get me wrong I definitely think those porn star comments were judgmental, & even if that all may be true about Annie, let’s not act like Robert isn’t getting something out of this too. He found himself a hot woman who he can have sex with, conveniently be a mom for Bryson, and maid for his house. IMO, he doesn’t treat her like a person, more so an object. If you choose to Nice Hot Cow Yes i am a member of the csi team can’t stand idiots shirt get engaged to someone you are their equal, period.
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