In my experience, people like this don’t think of themselves as “the good guy,” but neither do they think of themselves as uniquely bad. Shitheads generally assume that other people are as awful as they are. (Honestly, any given human will tend to assume that other humans are pretty much the same as it is, and a lot of issues arise along these lines: “This affects me so I don’t understand why it doesn’t affect you” and “this doesn’t affect me so I don’t understand why it affects you.” Majority Nice Grab Your Balls It’s Canning Season Shirt populations are especially prone, since they don’t have this core idea directly challenged with the same frequency that minority populations do.)
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So your average shithead doesn’t think they’re a villain. Your average shithead thinks that everyone else would do the same thing if only they were smart enough to see the plan, or brave enough to risk the consequences. They’re brave and smart for being able to do these things, and in a world where morals only exist for idiots who believe them and cowards who follow them, being brave and smart is a lot like being a hero. This is so true. Liars think everyone else lies constantly too. Thieves think Nice Grab Your Balls It’s Canning Season Shirt everyone steals. Assholes think everyone they meet is the asshole, so it’s ok to treat people poorly. When he sold it he was being sarcastic. Not his fault you can’t tell sarcasm from the sales pitch.
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That looks exactly like water witching. I work with farmers in making their farm more sustainable, we had one farm where we figured the farm would work best with a well rather than having the cows in the creek. I had to flat out tell another a USDA employee that we will not use government money to pay for a witcher. They are very convincing to use. I remember making one when I was younger out of empty biros and coathanger wire. It was 100% accurate at Nice Grab Your Balls It’s Canning Season Shirt finding water when I knew which plate had water underneath. I bought one for my buddy Alan, he said are you trying to tell me something? I said “you’ll be needing this with the way you hit them, Alan” LOL.
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