I skied from 4 years old into my late teens before stopping almost completely for over 10 years. I’m 31 now skiing again and I honestly figured it was too late for me to be learning new tricks. This season I’ve been hitting bigger jumps than ever, learning spins and grabs surrounded by kids half my age and it’s been a My 34th birthday the one where I was quarantined 2020 mask vintage shirt blast. Not OP but started at 3, switched to snowboarding at 15, switched back to skiing 15 years later. Haven’t looked back once! I’ve been trying to push myself to ski things I’ve never played on before like the double black back bowls and glades.
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There are always more accomplishments to be had, at every age. Sometimes the goalposts just get moved a little. While I am super stoked I was able to land this, it’s far from my most proud skiing moment. The moments I value most are usually something done with friends, like an epic pow day on a My 34th birthday the one where I was quarantined 2020 mask vintage shirt ski trip you talk about for years, or pond skim days in the spring where you party all day. There’s so much to do and learn about skiing. I love the progression. I love being there when a friend or my SO do something they have never done before. That stoke is infectious. Never stop trying new things!
Official My 34th birthday the one where I was quarantined 2020 mask vintage, Sweatshirt, Hoodie

I live in WNY and have a season pass to a local hill (45 min drive) where I always get 30+ days in, even in the worst seasons. Then I always take 1 or 2 ski trips with friends throughout the winter to Vermont and/or Rockies/West coast. Plus I travel for work and get to pick where I go so I have My 34th birthday the one where I was quarantined 2020 mask vintage shirt about 55 mins over the last 11 years in 20 states. I like mountain creek for the south side park, but that damn standing lift…Fifty isn’t enough. You need to ski more days. Don’t listen to anyone else who tells you it’s enough. Fifty is too few.