Or once that wallet opens up to support her “Business and career dreams” Mariage or not, as soon as she gets what SHE wants., you get to see it on your birthday. The exception would be time and career choices taking longer. Then she would have to lock you down via marriage and then divorce rape. For fuck’s sake, what’s the point of putting those pictures on a dating profile? I’ve seen countless of profiles with only motivational posters and bullshit entitled phrases. Do they Top Shhh My Beer And I Are Having A Moment I Will Deal With You Later Shirt get matches with that? What man in his right mind would swipe right to a FUCKIN “JuSt Be YoUrSeLf AnD sHiNe On” POSTER, with no clue whatsoever of how she (or It) looks like.
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The problem is making a profile is the same thing as approaching and selling yourself. Men do the approaching and selling ourselves, while women just stand around and look pretty. So make a profile, which requires selling yourself, requires effort and thought into it. It requires you to look at what the Top Shhh My Beer And I Are Having A Moment I Will Deal With You Later Shirt opposite sex wants. Women are incapable of doing that. That’s why you get the worst profiles imaginable from women. That’s why you get profiles with nothing but posters; profiles with pictures of their pets in them; profiles with pics of their tattoos; profiles with their tongues sticking out; only headshot profiles; profiles without smiling; and a whole plethora of dumb profiles.
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It sounds like my ex-fiancé from Barcelona. Hooked lined and sinker for a flight attendant based in BCN whilst I was working in Espana. Monkey-Branching from her Spaniard boyfriend from Pamplona to the Yankee Miami boy from the States. 2017 was the year of the red pill being shoved down my Top Shhh My Beer And I Are Having A Moment I Will Deal With You Later Shirt throat like foie gras. don’t disagree with what you’re saying but I wonder if this outcome was always inevitable, in a timeline where Cameron basically ignored the leavers, he would have continued to hemorrhage MPs to UKIP and they wouldn’t be getting any quieter. Any issue would still be scapegoated to Europe by many with most of the public lapping it up. Even if Cameron stepped down (maybe after his term) whoever replaced him may have eventually been forced to pull the trigger.
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