I can’t wait for all I’m Sugarand Spice And Everything Nice I’m Sage And Hood Shirt of these goons to be out of the office. That is if the election happens. Yeah, he needs to go to prison. Like for a long time. Color me surprised that this enormous in an administration full of would politically weaponize a public health crisis. Never. woulda. I had this optimism: This is too important to be caught in a partisan filter of how we view truth and the world,” said Rick Klausner, a Rockefeller Foundation adviser and former director of the National Cancer Institute. “But the federal government has decided to abrogate responsibility, and basically throw 50 states onto their own.
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Imagine being an expert in I’m Sugarand Spice And Everything Nice I’m Sage And Hood Shirt all of this, working hard to provide solutions to the American people, and then this asshole Kushner, who is only there because of nepotism, decides to throw hard work and planning away in the interests of partisan politics. What a piece of. It sounds so cruel that it almost seems untrue, but that just explains so many things beyond incompetence. Wow! This mass homicide is even more treasonous than Trump looking the other way when Putin puts bounties on our soldiers’ heads, and that’s saying something. Cruelty was always the strategy.
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