It has nothing to do with how good or bad of a person he was, and it’s intellectually dishonest to pretend like I Have Two Titles, Nana And Partner, In Crime Shirt we can’t discuss anything about him and his policies other than how terrible of a person he was, despite the reality that many do see him as a hero. That is what propaganda is actively shutting down any discussion that doesn’t concur with your culture’s collective consciousness about the person. Your brand that discussion as cold war propaganda only because you’ve been told. By your own government’s propaganda that any discussion that isn’t condemning Castro is akin to communist sympathizing. Meanwhile, people are just pointing out how he was able to increase literacy.
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From third-world levels to over in a single generation and provide healthcare to all their people. But really, I Have Two Titles Nana And Partner In Crime Shirts can’t talk about that because of the Cold War? You do know the Cold War is over, right? I can’t wait until the next generation takes over, who haven’t been near as brainwashed into thinking the US is by definition morally good. And all US enemies are by definition morally wrong. How was the Cold War-era Cuba more oppressive than present-day Saudi Arabia? If it isn’t. Why are the crimes of US allies tolerated? Whereas Cuba needed liberation? Because the communists kicked out. And put capitalists on trial?
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