I’m storyboarding a story set a few years further into the future of this right now. If you’re curious, I’ve kinda already set up a little bit of backstory in my first HFY post that I’d like to ride on, from “The Line in the Sand.” Never intended to make it a “thing” on here, but I’ve got holding on to My Sanity About Letter Print Tops Short Sleeve Seniors 2020 Joe Shirt interesting idea that might make for great writing, reading, and comedy. Thanks so much and for not judging me on all the typos! My eyes start blurring up so bad staring at my phone when I write these things, I can’t even hardly see the screen by the end>.<
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I’m so happy every time I see another installment from you and your father. These stories are gritty and creepy but there’s humanity sprinkled in there as well that makes them so compelling. People are people even when they do something awful. I find myself forgetting some of the guys from his stories are gang members and murderers, maybe that’s what separates normal people from the insane. I had to go follow you so I can catch the stories quicker. I absolutely love these, Texas girls with a Holding on to My Sanity About Letter Print Tops Short Sleeve Seniors 2020 Joe Shirt infatuation with the creepy unsettling things that happen in this state.
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“Let’s have a labyrinthine crumbling, half-finished prison beneath our functional one, that couldn’t ever go wrong in any way at all!” Thinking about it, though. All this additional information, some sort of timeless creature roamed those grounds, and then all the iron rebar in the concrete of the prison structure trapped it there. And now, it does what any holding on to My Sanity About Letter Print Tops Short Sleeve Seniors 2020 Joe Shirt pissed-off demonic thing does Slaughter and corrupt the foolish into setting it loose. Wouldnt be much of a surprise if you read into the history of the grounds the prison was built on, find that it was a ritualistic area to the natives, or that it is close to the sacred land. But, as per OP mentioning in his previous posts, it is most likely due to the constant negative energy concentrated in that specific area.
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