Many voters see their vote as Happy Dia De Muertos Sugar Skull Shirt not mattering because their state is overwhelmingly one way or the other. Of course, a big wave could overturn that and does sometimes. Another huge chunk of voters is from areas that suppress votes by removing polling places, booting voters from registered voters or they have to work two jobs and have a hard time fitting it in. Another group are just overwhelmed by bickering and don’t want to think about politics. (One reason Russia inflames the rhetoric is to get casual participants to disengage.) Then there are felons who lose their rights in a lot of places.
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Your first point is exactly why Happy Dia De Muertos Sugar Skull Shirt the electoral college system looks like absolute bollocks to me as a non-American. As an American, I don’t have a fundamental problem with the Electoral College. What I don’t like is that it has become wildly disproportionate due to the blatantly un-Constitutional Reapportionment Act of 1929. And the fact that so many states have made their EC votes all-or-nothing. I would prefer that each state had the proper number of Representatives and each EC voter represented. A Congressional District’s vote with the two “Senate” votes to go to the majority winner in the state.
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