I’ve seen this in-game already… maybe three, four times — it’s not particularly common. I’ve had that message come up as I’m flying around near a planet running scans… an NPC ship Good Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Operation Enduring Clusterfuck COVID-19 Shirt then be seen somewhere near-ish me with a bounty rating (I’ve seen 1, 2, and 3 stars). It’s a little more challenging than a pirate ambush, and they drop the same loot — but you also get a small payout as well. I would have replied sooner but bounties rarely pop up. I realize they have been in the game since launch, but this computer voice file implies.
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They just haven’t put the Good Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Operation Enduring Clusterfuck COVID-19 Shirt in yet and nothing else will change, who knows. This is most probably for use against sentinels, but still. The idea of airborne aggressive creatures, or better yet, pirates coming into the atmosphere to shoot at you while you’re in your vehicle, is pretty damn cool. “freighter warp initiated” is probably text for when your freighter is moving, but if HG made it possible to be on your freighter when it warps, that, also, would be awesome.
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Is it possible that the files for Good Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Operation Enduring Clusterfuck COVID-19 Shirt new creature type relate to the ‘ Maybe the new race is going to become an antagonist in the game — a thing on which to test all the new weaponry. I know right. I hope this made it into 1.3. Finally, I can leave my ship and just explore without having to walk all the back or praying I find a base where I call it from. I hope this made it into 1.3. Finally, I can leave my ship and just explore without having to walk all the back or praying I find a base where I call it from.
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