Businessman, a multi-billionaire, but as his tax records show he’s been just writing off failure after failure in Goat Sorry Sarcasm Like Stupidity Falls Out Of Your Shirt business for more than a decade, probably more. So the question is why do Trump supporters continue to support this liar and a cheat in a con when clearly is not who he claims to be and has been lying to them from day one. When his years of failure as a businessman clearly show in his ineptitude in running this country for the past 4 years. It’s because they think that as long is around, they’re owning the libs.
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It’s their way of getting revenge for putting a black guy in power. So what did he pay in the Goat Sorry Sarcasm Like Stupidity Falls Out Of Your Shirts years that weren’t or? Please Mr. Bezos, Mr. Gates, Mr. Musk, Mr. Buffett sirs could you each chip 110 million into the Retire Trump Debt Fund? You know so our POTUS is indebted to Americans, not Putin. Unless of course, Mr. Zuckerberg has already beaten you to it, and now FB owns the US. They don’t want $110m. That’s nothing to them. A US president indebted to them for 110m. That’s something. Is this, finally, The Emperors New Clothes happening? Please.
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