When people spend money, they have a Funny Some People Just Need A Pat On The Back Shirt. Even for non-discretionary spending like food, there’s still preference and choice involved. Companies have to spend a lot of money and do a lot of work to convince consumers to spend their money on the company’s product. On the other hand, a tax cut on the wealthy goes right into the wealthy’s pockets. Government projects are guaranteed profits that go into the companies pockets. Etc. Why go through the effort of enticing consumers when you can get the government to merely redistribute the money to you in a way which, on the surface, seem fair? Look at what happened when the pandemic hit. Middle and lower class citizens spending just dropped off.
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And the economy along with Funny Some People Just Need A Pat On The Back Shirts. There is money to be made off the rich, but everyone below is the people who really fuel the economy. As a collective, we have more economic power and importance than most people realize. I can only hope that recent events bring that to light for most people. There is a point though when the rich take their money and their jobs elsewhere. I don’t think we are close now as the rich are clearly undertaxed or at least allowed too many loopholes to stop paying taxes. Trump never should have passed his tax cuts. From my POV I believe the government should be forced to balance their budget unless something crazy like COVID happens. And then they should have a plan to pay the excess off in 5 years.
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