A loan is a Funny In Memory Of My Michael Sparrow Shirt agreement for you to borrow money and then pay it back at a later time. It’s your fault for being dumb enough to get a degree worth nothing and can’t afford to pay it back. At most he should reduce interest rates to 1% but to cancel the actual principal is so dumb. It’s not the government’s fault you failed. While your “drop interest to 1%” is a sensible solution I support, I disagree with the last sentence. The fact that a government-backed student loan has absurd interest rates (I pay 8%+ after consolidation) is the government’s fault and the reason so many people have/are failing under the weight of crushing debt.
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Reducing the Funny In Memory Of My Michael Sparrow Shirts interest to an amount in which people can actually pay some of their debt would be a major step to correcting the inefficiencies causing future generations to fall farther behind. I personally would be in favor of canceling all student debt, but the discussion in this thread brings up some good points. However, if someone went to an expensive private school and wasn’t able to secure a good-paying job, they would have a higher debt-to-income ratio and should get more of their loans forgiven. The same applies for all schools- how much someone is struggling is related to both how much debt they have and how much they are getting paid.
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