I used to keep my mask on when driving from a place because I didn’t want to touch my mask with dirty hands until Drangon Ball Nike Just Do It Shirt I could wash them when I got home. now I have hand sanitizer, so it’s less of an issue. also, I keep the mask on if I’m going from one place to another because it inevitably messes up my hair to put on a mask That being said, my first thoughts when I see all these people wearing masks either while driving or walking alone on a sidewalk (alone outside.) Is that I hope these people are wearing it because it’s just comfortable/they’re used to it. Whereas the alternative is that all of these people are genuinely scared, or unaware of how they are transmitted.
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So any time they leave their house they must have a mask. I can’t even tell you guys. How many times I’ve been Drangon Ball Nike Just Do It Shirts called “hon” or “sweetie” when I pull up in the drive-thru wearing my mask. It’s awesome and makes my heart feel bigger. I order a bunch of take-out, too, so I really appreciate that y’all wear your masks while you’re delivering. You really rock :) Sometimes I forget and leave my mask on after buying my groceries at Trader Joe’s during Senior Hour. I am so excited that I now have another week’s worth of food. It happens. I didn’t know anyone would care what I do when I am alone in my car, and I certainly don’t care what anyone else does. I had a crazy woman honk.
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