If she won’t get erased, her chance encounter with the old woman will never be remembered. The same way she was never remembered by her coworkers. But she only remembered it during her 30th birthday, during the start of her being erased. This is in line with the idea that erased people can see each other as well as the theory of her possible connection to the old woman. Can imagine why your dad turned to alcohol when he couldn’t even remember his wife anymore. Maybe loving a forgettable makes you go mad? It happened to Dylan, maybe the dad had the same issue, which would explain why he got rid of the daughter. Blood inside me Canada Post COVID-19 2020 I can’t stay at home shirt probably got very confused about having a child and not remembering who the mother was.
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Sadly, the happy thing in all of this is that you and Dylan never had children. To disappear is one thing, but to disappear as a mother is tragic, but then to realize your own children don’t remember you would be soul-destroying. Maybe that’s why she’s an orphan? It’s hereditary…so in a sense at least she didn’t force this on anyone else? I wanted to comment something, I just forgot what this was about, let me just scroll up, read again, and edit this later. I think I’ve lacking sleep big time; I have the feeling that I had something important to say, at Blood inside me Canada Post COVID-19 2020 I can’t stay at home shirt least I got the urge to comment, I just can’t remember what it was.
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Yeah sounds like you can’t turn off your cloak. That’s what I’m calling it but it’s really more of a strange ability. It causes people to ignore their presence. If you couldn’t turn it off I’m guessing this would be the effect. It’s not so much they’re truly forgetting you. It’s more that they can’t truly see you. They’re inherently ignoring your presence. It’s a rough ability to deal with. You managed to outlast 30 years old, even if it was only by mere days. Their Blood inside me Canada Post COVID-19 2020 I can’t stay at home shirt could still be hope. I’m curious about what would happen if you had a child. I definitely wouldn’t recommend it though.