A mass extinction is NOT the Blessed Mum Flower Mother Day Shirt result of extraterrestrial agents, volcanism, nuclear war or disease. A mass extinction occurs when the ecological pyramid overturns. The unemployment that you read about in the news today is not a short term, predictable phase of the business cycle. It is an inevitable, structural component of a long term trend dating to the origin of Man. Our global economy is soon to collapse and there is nothing we can do about it. Neither Intelligence nor Technology can solve the problem because Intelligence and Technology are the causes.
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It is Intelligence and Technology Blessed Mum Flower Mother Day Shirts which have brought us to this point. Intelligence and Technology lead to efficiency and efficiency to extinction. Corporations produce and distribute food for a profit. After the global economy breaks down, these companies will no longer have any incentive to do so. If the paleontologists, anthropologists and biologists have it correct, our species has been around for around 200,000 years. While the Republicans’ performance has been dismal, the way to change this is at the local level. The president is in many ways a symbol. An Obama victory will create a national mindset that America is turning to the left.
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