That guy lives in Awesome You Stay Classy Monkey Island Shirt my city. I found that out when I passed by his house and saw his yard full of signs saying, “Free Moe!” and “Bring Moe Home!” and stuff like that. The city had forced him to send Moe to an animal reserve. Then the face-ripping happened when he went to visit him (it was Moe’s roommate). The signs came down soon after that. “They’ll tear off pieces of the body, often the genitalia, and sometimes they’ll rip the throat out. It’s really horrific, the sorts of damage they do,” said Michael Wilson, a University of Minnesota evolutionary anthropologist who has studied chimps in the wild.
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Never really watch Rogan but he would be. Prof Wilson was a fan favorite of the Awesome You Stay Classy Monkey Island Shirt anthro department. My favorite class of his was a class on conflict throughout history. We discuss differences in how it was recounted, differences in strategy and weaponry, differences in how enemies are treated and thought off. It was really cool! Owns a private “zoo”/sex cult. Uses animals purely for profit in morally ambiguous ways. There’s plenty of evidence of him breeding animals and then getting rid of them after they aren’t cute anymore.
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