But shutting the whole country down would be like shutting the whole of Europe down. Which August Is My Birthday Month Yeb The Whole Month Nurse Shirt wasn’t the case actually. Every country shut down on its own and got back on its own. This deserves August Is My Birthday Month Yeb The Whole Month Nurse Shirt more votes. Take my 99-percenter gold. That’s the best. Aaaaand that’s enough Reddit for me. Good night! Shit is what it is. It reminded me of JUSTIFIED if you run into an asshole in the morning, you just ran into an asshole in the morning, if you run into assholes the entire day, you’re the asshole. Except nobody broke into your house and shitted on the floor. It’s a virus. A natural phenomenon.
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You’re implying that China somehow did this on purpose, which is complete bullshit. Yes, the local August Is My Birthday Month Yeb The Whole Month Nurse Shirts authorities are Wuhan tried to cover it up, but don’t try to tell Thank For Loving Me Best Beagle Mom Ever Shirt me that the exact same thing wouldn’t have happened in the United States. Back in March, we were about 3 weeks behind South Korea, Italy, and Iran. We could/should have taken similar actions with a 3-week advantage, but no, American exceptionalism has made us the corona joke of the world. I saw it as a football game. We had 3-4 weeks’ worth of opponent film we could have watched and made our game plan from. Instead, we did nearly nothing, and what we did do we fucked up on a grand scale.
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