I got some fiber. I’m not sure if I remember the pain or just remember that it hurt. But I think I went to the hospital for it… and looking back it may be Top Welder No Flux Given Vintage Shirt responsible for one of the floaters in my eye… the other was caused by a contact lens getting stuck to my eye and tearing it. Did he spark the tig like directly by his eyes I do tig a ton and I wasn’t aware you could even fuck up that bad safety rules are around for a reason. I am in jewelry in high school and we have soldering torches, soldering irons the main stuff for working with metal. You’re supposed to wear glasses when soldering but I just say fck it and don’t wear them and risk it for the biscuit.
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Yeah, I’m learning this stuff too, and the first fucking thing that my teacher said was that “in absofuckinglutely no fucking circumstance whatsofuckingever are you to take off your face shield while welding, near someone welding, or entering a welding area.” Guess what, EM? When you don’t do shit like this, you don’t harm your goddamn child. Some people make me astounded at the idiocy of the human race. Ouch….. My dad has a workshop for basic DIY stuff I literally am not allowed inside of it without the helmet on my head even Top Welder No Flux Given Vintage Shirt when he isn’t welding, I don’t have to wear it per se I just have to keep it on my head.
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If she did sue, I don’t think it would go very far at all. It might be deemed that they Top Welder No Flux Given Vintage Shirt shouldn’t have been allowed in the workshop at all or that they didn’t have enough supervision. However, everyone will testify that they were given eye-protection and that EM told EK to remove required and necessary protective gear off. Those idiots have no one to blame but themselves. I have a feeling EP is going to try to sue. Please update the story if it does. I want to read about how she will fail miserably and possibly lose custody of her child. I’m at a vocational school that’s connected to my school district as well and they don’t let parents come in with their kids like that thank god.
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